At thirty something with two children, it has been
a not insignificant amount of time since I have been associated with that word.
However, it is true to say that until November 3rd. 2001, I was indeed a virgin
to the infamous Showcase Weekend Away. My days as a SWAV (Showcase Weekend Away Virgin)
however were clearly numbered since, some 36 hours after arrival as a SWAV, I found myself
lodged between Andy McGarrys legs with a balloon on my head (at east I think
thats what it was).Twas a very steep learning curve indeed, but more of that
The weekend started out as it clearly intended to
continue by meeting Joan at Waverley station for coffee. "Coffee?" I
hear you ask. Well, actually, we did go to Millies for two large paper cartons
nothing. Joan, cheeky mare that she is, asked (very nicely) for
two empty coffee cartons. Well after all, we had no reticules for enjoying our bottle or 3
of bubbly on the long train journey to sunny Berwick (45 minutes at 2.00pm in the
afternoon is a long journey to think wistfully about a drunken weekend ahead without
actually practising for it. Rehearsal is very important dont you know!)
On arrival at Berwick, amidst sighs of relief from
fellow passengers who did on a few occasions mutter regret at not having booked a seat in
the "quiet carriage", we trundled off to Fawlty Towers. Actually it was
supposedly called the Castle Hotel, but within minutes of meeting the manager/owner, it
became clear that Castle was really an anagram of Fawlty (without the "e",
"s" and "c"
. and Ill have no smart ass remarks from
Diane Countdown-Champ- Dootsie; its close enough for me ok?). Charming man that he
was made us read the rules (a fairly wordy sheet of A4 paper) before we were allowed to do
anything or go anywhere. Rule number one was to give your name to the reception
Im not joking, it really did say that. And rules became quite a feature of our stay,
as he did - on at least two occasions when Joan and I were looking for help - ask us if
wed read the instructions on the door, or read the rules. I was tempted to point out
that I was dyslexic and did he have an audio version, but, well, I was supposed to be
chilling out on a relaxing weekend, so I saved my Personnel/Equal Opportunities hat for
coming back to work on Monday..
Without further ado, we settled into our room
(small but cosy) and had a general muck about with costumes for the fancy dress the
following evening. Fed up with mucking about and sobering up, we retreated to public
lounge and had a nice meal with some more wine. Gradually, familiar Showcase (cast and
crew) faces merged into (or is it "with"?) the bar and so the night began. Enter
Dootsie and Co. with a "time for pub crawl" announcement, and off we went (well
half of us did the other half sat glued to seats in hotel bar). I suppose it was
rather comfy in hotel, but, well we had a mission to sample the delights of the
Berwick nightlife.
And what a sample that was. A real precedent was
set; a moment of history worth recording; a pinch on the arm to check it was really
happening - Dootsie walked through the main door of a pub and walked out again because it
was too dodgy. And we all followed. Our leader was afraid, so we could not dare enter or
at least we would do so at our own risk. In all probability we were just not drunk or
incoherent enough because Group two of the pub crawl (who wed left behind playing
pool in the last pub) managed to have a drink in said establishment without so much as a
blink of the eye or a visible movement of the Adams apple.
Joan, of course, made her mark in the next pub by
complaining (as she wiped sawdust from her feet and spit from her hair), that they
didnt do Chardonnay, or any type of wine for that matter. And why were the
glasses all pint size or straight shaped
.?. We nearly made it out of aforementioned
pub without further incident until a nice gentleman approached me and asked if I wanted to
buy any crabs? Well, Ive never had crabs before and I certainly didnt ever
envisage that I would have to purchase them (well, doesnt one somehow acquire these
things if one is unfortunate enough?) so I told him so politely, of course. He went
off muttering something about pate and pickles and why didnt he just sell plastic
red roses like the punters in Edinburgh pubs did.
Found a pub, after sampling a few in between, for
which both groups settled. It looked different in daylight next day (when Dootsie took us
back to visit it at 11.00 am sharp for a pint or three of cider), but then again so did
Berwick. Lots of lovely shops especially the one that had a pair of BIG pants in
the window the night before which had mysteriously become an embroidered tablecloth draped
in a folded kind of way over a chair by the time daylight arrived. It sort of reminded me
of the Mr Ben adventures in a magical shop
Singalongs were in full swing when we returned to
hotel. Dont recall much other than needing, and by this time, wanting, to go to bed.
Joan and I departed to cries of "lightweights" (at which point I thought I might
hang around a bit longer, cos that title felt quite good. Well, with my stature,
last time I was called that was at primary school and even then it was relative to the
teacher). Anyway, all I can say to those who cried lightweights is where were you
at breakfast at 8.00 am the following morning whilst we tucked into a full English eh?
Saturday passed in a shopping, walking, eating
lunch and spending-money-generally kind of a way. Beautiful day and lovely scenery, until
I got back to hotel and met a rather grey looking Lesley on the stairs. I dont know
if she was coming up or down and I dont think she did either. Then the memories of
chants of "lightweight" came back to me and I remembered one of the guilty
parties. I had to stop myself from saying to her "bet youre eating your words
now" cos I suspect theyd have come right back up again like the rest of
her eaten stuff presumably did.
Fancy dress time arrived on Saturday night
and what a parade of costumes. We had the cast of Wizard of Oz with a rather handsome
scarecrow and a dodgy looking tin man (although Lesley had transformed from the earlier
grey colour to a warm brown at least for a while - as the lion). Joining them was
part of the cast of Grease with the "before" and "after" Sandy and
Danny (although by the end of the night they all looked like the "after"
version). Dootsie was even more terrifying than usual as Darth Maul and Kates tits
exploded with strategically placed balloons as Lara Croft. Harry Potter was great
(although we could have done with some of Tricias magic later in the night when our
team was disastrously trying to pass balloons between necks and just about every other
body part). Some people just came as themselves really, including Malcy aka Rab C Nesbit
and Joan & moi aka Ab. Fabs Patsy and Eddie. Johnny was fabby as a St
Trinians schoolgirl, and Alistair um, we think he was Captain Kirk but, well,
we didnt really get a chance to speak to him as he lay comatose on a table in the
corner all night. Suffice to say, he was certainly from another planet.

Lara (Bitch) Croft (Bitch) won the fancy dress as
the best dressed and Andy McGarry won as the worst dressed. Given that he came as the
invisible man, I think that he should have won the biggest-stretch-of-the-imagination
category. McGarry, invisible? Yeah, right!!
Karaoke followed in hot pursuit and there were
some memorable moments (if I could remember) but I think the prize would have to go to
Johnny and Susans version of Meatloafs "Paradise by the Dashboard
Light". What a brave and soulful attempt Johnny, but you were in good company as
theatre people, well, we have good imaginations and are able to see through
characterisations with a little creativity and artistic license. Methinks it was Meatloaf
after having been to 10,000 sessions of Rosemary Conley followed by the "I feel
strongly that I am a reincarnation of a little girl" phase of Meatloafs life.
Where would we be without the obligatory party
games, and what a host Malcy turned out to be. Karaoke operator extraordinaire and
gamesmaster-magnifique, organised the lot. I was so delighted when he awarded me (for our
team) an extra 10 points for "bearing yer breests", but equally deflated (not
literally) when, at the end of the night, our team were falling behind in the points
stakes, he offered to double the points if Id put them away
Well "3 oclock in the morning, and it
looks like its gonna be another sleepless night" as the song goes, and it sure
was. Back in our room, and looking across the twin beds at Patsy laid on her back snoring,
with her previously well-coiffured blond beehive flopped over the dressing table, her
fishnets looking more like nae-nets, and her cigarette holder (which I had previously
thought until she had it in her mouth was a tampon applicator) lying
forlornly on her pillow, I reflected on the weekends events. I had arrived a SWAV
and was returning as a fully-fledged Showcase member. What an honour. I was now just like
the rest of them. And I thought of "them" and remembered balloons and
broomsticks, and dark cloaks with scarlet makeup, and men dressed as women, and scarecrows
and tin men and Captain Kirk (I hope he hadnt actually died at that table in the
corner no-one thought to check), and crawling between legs and wrapping string
round and through and in between and up an down any conceivable orifice in a bid to win
points. I then heard some of them returning to their rooms, banging, ranting, falling,
singing and generally raving up the corridors, shouting "ssshhhh" as they did
so. And then I thought, Im one of them? At thirtysomething and a responsible,
sensible adult mother of two, Im one of them? Yep indeedee, I was and
how good it felt.